Saturday, October 15, 2011

15 October 2011 | The Word "FUCK"

"Fuck" is the only word that could express my emotion;
in love: she's so fucking beatiful
mad: fuck the fucking fuckers!!
amazed: it was so fucking awesome!
shocked: what the fuck?!
i don't care: i don't give a fuck
absolutely!: abso-fucking-lutely!
messed up: i'm really fucked up
dismay: oh, fuck it
confused in an exam: i don't understand what the fuck this fucking question means
dismissing: why don't you go outside and fuck yourself?
get out!: get the fuck outta my fucking place!
proud: i'm so fucking proud of you, man

ok, enough heuehue maybe those are only for the intro.. the point of what i wanna say is; please understand what the word "fuck" really means.. so many words that begin the letter F, but "fuck" is the only word that referred as the F word.. i know, this word is rude, so dont use it continuously, or you're gonna die ueheu.. "fuck" not always means sexual, i have show you the examples above, it could express love, hate, pleasure and pain.. so don't always be annoyed when you hear or read any "fuck"s, you know what i'm sayin?

just like my facebook favorite quotations and twitter bio, they are "success is my only mothafuckin option, failure's not!" ok, it's more rude than "fuck", but it has a same meaning.. and i hope as i post this, there will be no complains about it ehuehue cuz don't blame me, but blame Eminem as a lyrical genius who made that quote huehue

maybe for those who still dont understand about what i've just explained, you can watch this video.. it's completely clear right there..

"eh eh dho, lu lagi galau ye? nyrocos gitu inggris lu?" is there any fucking guy talking to me? huheu

so say loud and proudly! FUCK YOU!! euheuehuehu :ngakak


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